Monday, April 25, 2011

"Good Form"

This story confused me.Did he kill a man or Not he says it was made up but then he says he did it. So which is it.


As in previous chapters i find this one to be sad i was so proud of Norman Bowker to be doing fairly well after the war but it actually hurt me a little because he hanged himself. I fould i a little ironic that he did that just a few month after writing O'Brien.

" Speaking of Courage"

I really enjoyed this chapter simply because it gives you a sense of relief knowing that not every soldier goes crazya fter leaving the war. That some can still function regularlly after all of the grousome acts of war. I found this chapter interesting because of how many times Norman Bowker drove his dads truck around and around and around the river and i found it amazing that each time he went around he saw something different to talk about to remmeber or describe.


This by far to me was the saddest chapter so far. This girl who use to have a family now has nothing. In this chapter we also get to see more of the character Azar who i find to be rude and stupid in the things he says and does or he could just be young. However he mocks this lost girls dancing as if she was putting on a show for him when she was dancing. truth is she was gone. she didnt know what to do after losing her family or home so she danced.


In this chapter we get to hear about O'Briens daughter Kathleen who asks him about war. She sys he must have killed somebody in which he did. This comment brought back lots of emotions for him. It left him continuously remembering the harsh details of the man he killed.

" The Man I Killed"

I found this chapter to be very grousome and gory like. The description of the man that was killed was harsh and sad. This chapter was not only sad for the man who had to die but for the man who killed him. He felt so bad about it. You'd think that as a soldier you go into te war trained to look past those kinds of things because its a daily routine for you but he was not. It hurt him to kill that man.


"Church" was a chapter where we got to learn a little bit more about Kiowa and his religion. Kiowa felt really strongly through out the chapter that they should not be camping out in a church. As kiowa put it, "it's bad news" but the other soldiers didnt feel the same. We also got to hear more from Dobbins who decides that he wants to join this brotherhood church affiliation that is being so kind to him and his fellow soldiers.


In "Stockings" we see the character Henry Dobbins appear again who was the guy in previoous chapters that wore his girlfriends stockings around his neck for comfort. This chapter shows The "Stockings" were his security blanket during the war which no one believed at first gave him any luck but Dobbins did, and even after his girlfriend dumped him he still believed in the magic of the stockings.

" Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong"

I found this chapter very confusing. For a while i couldnt figure out what was going on until Mary Ann showed up. i found it hard to believe that during a war you could just ship your girlfriend in. I would think this would be a huge distraction but ccording to Mark Fossie what they were doing was much at all once they got use to it. Mary Ann begins to change. She becomes quiet and distant from Mark Fossie and then one night she just doesnt come back little did they know Mary Ann was out on ambush. The war had changed her but i feel as if she was happy with who the war turned her into which is something that most people cant say.

Friday, April 8, 2011

" The Dentist"

The dentist was hilarious to me. Also it's a little pitiful. Curt Lemon put himself up on the pedastool, amking himself seem so macho that he was embarassed about being fearful of the dentist. Its a shame that to make himself feel better he had to lie and convince the dentist to pull a tooth, inflictiing pain upon himself ina sense to feel less embarassed about his odontophobia.

" On The Rainy River"

In On The Rainy River, it was very sad. He was drafted to the war. HE had his whole life ahead of him and the war just stepped in and brought that whole scenario to an end.That summer was just depressing for Jimmy. He couldnt get dates because of his job at the meatpacking plant he had been drafted to the war. He felt as if his life was collapsing around him. Jimmy didn't want to be fighting in a war he neither supported or would ever fight for. this is very ironic how he of all other men and women out there was chosen when he has made efforts against the war now..he is apart of it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Friends & Enemies

In friends and enemies it's ironic how two men in combat could get into a scuffle over something as simple as a knife. i would think that they would get into this kind of fued with eachother because the knife was something that one man carried and for another man to step in and steal such a thing,can send a man in combat over the edge. however the two of them quickly, give or take, resolved their fued after Dave Jensen showed Lee Strunk  who's boss. They quickly learned that they needed eachother. When your at war you already have too many enemies lerking around trying to kill you why would you want to have to feel as if you have to watch your back from one of your own as if they are and ememy as well.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Love Spin

While reading the chapter Love i could actually feel an sense of emotion as i read the words . Jimmy still, after years loved Martha. I see now that Jimmy is no creepy fellow he's just a man who has a plethora of love for such a woman. Most of the chapter Love was about Jimmy's love Martha. Now what i took from Spin was that war isn't all terrible. Although alot of his explainations seemed a bit cynical but rational. it's almost as if he had to make up these explainations to survive the actual horrors of the war. Each story was told differently giving it it's own little "spin" on the terrors soldiers faced during war while at the same time eleviating the pain.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Things They Carried

In the begining of chapter one " The Things They Carried", i was a little disturbed by the character Jimmy Cross. He is in love with someone who wasn't in love with him. He licked the envelope where Martha had licked it trying to taste her. Jimmy often has to trick himself when he's reading her letters or looking at her pictures because and the end she would write love, Jimmy wanted to believe that she loved him but he knew that love at the end was only a way of signing off. Jimmy also has made this presumption that Marth just must be a Virgin which is crazy because she has never mention anything of that nature. From this i feel as if Jimmy is a deranged person.